The story began in 1970, when our founder, Mr. Rudjito Widjojo, grasped the potential of tobacco trading, and seized that opportunity by planting a foundation of a small tobacco processing factory, in the northern region of Surabaya, Indonesia’s second largest city.
Putera Djaja Widjaja is inspired by the name of the tallest
mountain in Indonesia, in the hope that our eventual success
could soar just as high.
Due to a significant increase in the demand of our tobacco, in
1991, the production facility was relocated to Pandaan, an
industrial area in Pasuruan district.
Putera Djaja Widjaja honors the longtime tradition of rolling tobacco manufacturing by combining the old ways and the modern production technique. We meticulously select the best available cured tobacco leaves, which hail from mountainous region of Central Java, and sort them by hand in order to achieve the perfect rolling tobacco blend, which is consisted of air-cured and fire-cured tobacco leaves.
Rolling tobacco manufacturing is an art by itself. The cured tobacco leaves are aged for a few years before they are allowed to be turned into rolling tobacco. This time consuming method will enable the leaves to cure to an extent; thus attaining the perfect condition that is suited for further processing. Our secret flavoring sauce also guarantee the best unforgettable smoking sensation.
The company's leadership strives to preserve the well-being of individuals that have contributed to the company's success from the beginning. By hiring most of our workers from the surrounding neighborhood, our company ensures that its presence benefits the local economy. We believe that happy workers and community have the most significant positive impact that will empower the company in the future.
The tobacco distribution area covered by Putera Djaja Widjaja includes 4 large islands in Indonesia, namely Sumatra (Banda Aceh, Medan, Padang, Pekanbaru, Tanjung Pinang, Batam, Plembang, Bandar Lampung), Jawa (Solo, Sragen, Yogyakarta), Kalimantan (Sampit), Sulawesi (Manado, Luwuk) and will continue to grow.